Amy Ledford


Amy was born and raised in Hawaii and believes that everyone should be treated like "Ohana" (family). She has slowly moved up north through the years, even though she despises cold weather. She turns her seat warmers on in the summer, if that tells you anything about her.

Amy has been working at the Avenue since 2018 and chances are she will be the first one that you will see when you come to the Avenue Offices. She loves to greet people with a smile and thrives on building relationships.

Amy received her minister's license in 2004 and her deepest desire is for people to know that they are truly loved and not forgotten. If you want to laugh, Amy is the person to hang out with. She loves to laugh until she cries and truly desires to choose joy in every situation.

Amy loves reading, makeup, sappy old movies and talking. She LOVES to talk! It's not at all uncommon for her talking minutes to be the highest of all the Avenue staff members each month. The girl can talk.

Amy has been married to her forever boyfriend Brandon since January of 2007. They have 3 kids and one fur baby.